
1 августа 2017

EXPO 1520 Moves to a New Level

This year, the International Fair of Railway Equipment and Technologies EXPO 1520 will move to a new level. The sixth Salon is expected to be even as large-scale and impressive as never before.

The exhibition area will reach 8,000 sq.m, while the number of full-scale rolling stock and infrastructure facilities exponents will be 150, which is by 41 more than in 2015. This year, there will be 53 debutantes. Azerbaijan will participate EXPO 1520 for the first time.

One of new thematic sections is Digital Railroad that will be represented in Pavilion 2. The opening ceremony of the Salon will be held on August 30 in the Demonstration and Training Exhibition Center (DTEC).

The scenario of a spectacular dynamic exposition on a railroad tracks will be unique. It will demonstrate both modern and retro railroad equipment. It will be the first time when the demonstration will involve a reconstructed “Ь” series locomotive manufactured back in 1897. In addition, everyone wishing to take a ride by a new electric train Moskva put into service by the Moscow Metro, will have the opportunity twice a day. New trains have a pass-through and wider doorways, as well as a new light warning system for doors opening and closing. All cars are equipped with USB sockets for gadget charging, an updated alerting service, interactive maps and touch-screen monitors.

Besides the extensive exposition, the participants and specialists will have opportunity to enjoy a rich business programme. Twelve formats will be held within the framework of the 10th Anniversary International Conference Railway Engineering. Prospects, Technologies, Priorities that will discuss such issues as the implementation of digital technology into the railway system, innovative product development, efficient use of resources and environmental security.

The final day of the fair will be Open Railways Day with outdoor sports activities for children and adults, dance master classes, quests and book reading places. There will also be a fair in Pavilion 4 representing collectibles, antiques and handicrafts.

The fair is expected to be attended by over 25,000 people, including 2,000 specialists that participating in the business programme.

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«ЭКСПО 1520» - это уникальный железнодорожный салон техники и технологий на пространстве «широкой» колеи и единственный в Европе, который имеет стратегическое значение в развитии отрасли нашей страны и усилении международных отношений. Проходит раз в два года на территории Экспериментального кольца АО «ВНИИЖТ» (г.Москва, Щербинка). В 2015 году в мероприятии приняли участие более 700 предприятий из 29 государств. Участниками деловой программы стали свыше 2000 специалистов. Салон посетили более 25000 человек, в число которых вошли официальные делегации крупнейших стран мира, представители правительства и руководители профильных министерств как России так и мирового сообщества. На официальной церемонии было подписано не менее 17 стратегически важных соглашений, что выводит салон «ЭКСПО 1520» на новый высочайший уровень.

Подробная информация о мероприятии: expo1520.ru  

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